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Soft Olive Invitation Suite
printing methods

Tea Jam Studio offers a broad range of printing methods for your stationery and budgetary needs. This page gives a brief discussion of what those printing methods are, and what the additional costs might entail.

Digital Printing
digital printing
Digital printing is the least expensive and most flexible printing method by way of a mixture of CMYK values (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black). There are no limitations on how many colors can be printed, and it shows photos and watercolors beautifully!

However, digital printing will also pick up on the color of the paper that it's printed on. So while this is a beautiful printing method, please be aware of how colors may change when printed on papers of different colors.

Digital Printing can be combined with letterpress printing, with foil printing, and with white-ink printing. But please note, different printing methods yield different results, so digitally-printed components with the same color ink may have a slight color variation.
white ink printing
White ink printing is a type of digital printing in which opaque white ink is printed on the surface of the paper medium. The pricing is only slightly more expensive than digital printing and is a normal alternative to give variation to your suite. White ink goes best with darker colors to create contrast.

Although other colors can be printed atop the white ink to create a digital printed look over dark-colored paper, this latter methods is more time consuming, a bit more costly, and sometimes produces a white silhouette. It's therefore not suggested to do digital color on top of white ink unless it's a pale solid color.

White Ink Printing can be combined with digital printing, with foil printing, and with Letterpress printing. But please note, different printing methods yield different results, so digitally-printed components with the same color ink may have a slight color variation.
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letterpress printing
Letterpress Printing is a vintage relief printing method that involves creating a die plate, hand mixing ink, and pressing that inked plate onto the surface of the paper or medium to create a deep impression. Each color results in a singular plate, so if—for example—your final design has two colors, two separate plates will need to be made. It can be blind (without ink), or with a solid ink color, or printed in a method called split fountain ink, in which a gradient of colors will be applied to the plate to create a fun varied look.

Each sheet is feed one at a time. Due to the labor intensive nature of this printing method, it's considered a luxury printing method and is a more costly investment.

Letterpress can be combined with digital printing, with foil printing, and with white-ink printing. But please note, different printing methods yield different results, so digitally-printed components with the same color ink may have a slight color variation.
hot foil printing
Hot Stamping or Foil Stamping is a relief printing method in which metallic foils are transferred to a surface at high temperatures. A die plate is mounted and heated, with the product to be stamped placed beneath it. A metallized roll carrier is inserted between the two, the die presses down through it, and the heat bonds only the raised artwork onto the surface of the paper using pressure and heat.

Each sheet is feed one at a time. Due to the labor intensive nature of this printing method, it's considered a luxury printing method and is a more costly investment.

Foil can be combined with digital printing, with letterpress printing, and with white-ink printing. But please note, different printing methods yield different results, so digitally-printed components with the same color ink may have a slight color variation.
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digital shimmer
Digital Shimmer printing is an off-set printing method in which a a metallic-effect pigment is printed on the the surface of the paper. This is available in an antique gold, silver, and copper color. 

This printing method adds a shimmer to the final print without breaking the bank with hot foil stamping.

Digital shimmer can be combined with digital printing, with letterpress printing, and with white-ink printing. But please note, different printing methods yield different results.
engraved printing
Engraving imposes ink onto paper using pressure, creating images with a raised texture. Metal plates are etched with a recessed image, hand-aligned on the press, coated with ink, clean to leave only the image with ink remaining, and then  the paper is then hand-fed under literal tons of pressure to create an embossed image with startling clarity, color purity, and depth.

Once again, engraving is a labor-intensive printing process and is considered to be one of the most expensive printing methods, however it creates a rich embossed image with startling clarity, color purity, and depth.

Engraving can be combined with digital printing, white ink printing, letterpress, and foil printing with some limitations. 
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